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Ideas for Getting a Group's Attention

Slow clap (turns into cheer)

Facilitator starts clapping slowly. As participants notice the clapping, they stop talking, look at the facilitator, and start to clap along in sync. The clapping then starts to speed up; within a few seconds it transforms into applause and everyone starts to cheer. After a moment, the facilitator swiftly extends both their arms to the side ("cut!"), and everyone immediately goes completely silent. This builds energy AND quiets the group!

If you can hear me . . .

In a normal speaking voice, facilitator says "If you can hear me..." followed by a prompt. Participants who heard the prompt follow along, attracting the attention of others. Facilitator continues saying prompts until everyone is paying attention. Prompt ideas: clap once, clap twice, snap your fingers, jump up and down, rub your belly, tug your ears, stand on one foot, spin in a circle, point to [a particular person or thing], look up at the sky, look at me, fold your arms.

TRICKY version. This is facilitated just like regular "If you can hear me...", but with a twist. This time, when the facilitator calls out a command ("If you can hear me, put your hands on your head, put your hands on your shoulders, wave your hands in the air, conduct an orchestra, etc."), they touch a DIFFERENT body part or do a DIFFERENT motion than what they said. The group is supposed to do what the facilitator SAID, NOT what they're actually doing. A little like Simon Says.

Raise your hand

Facilitator raises one hand straight up in the air. As participants notice the hand, they stop talking and raise their hands, which attracts the attention of others. Eventually everyone in the group should have a raised hand and a closed mouth.

Rhythm repeat

Facilitator does something that makes a rhythmic beat; for example, clapping twice slowly and then three times rapidly. Participants repeat the pattern. If necessary, continue to make beats until everyone is following along. Try varying the pattern, using claps, snaps, foot stomps, etc.

Air guitar!

Facilitator yells "air guitar!" Participants immediately do their most impressive air guitar (meaning: totally silent). After a moment, facilitator says "aaaaaaannnnnd...CUT!" and participants should stop playing and look at facilitator.

Flat tire!

Facilitator yells "flat tire!" Participants respond with "shhhhhhh!!!!", gradually getting quieter and quieter as "the air runs out of the tire" (and they run out of breath).

Give me FIVE!

Facilitator raises a hand (with fingers spread) in the air and yells "give me FIVE!", then starts counting down, closing fingers with each smaller number. Participants immediately join in, raising a hand in the air and counting down with the facilitator: "4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . .1." As everyone counts down, the numbers get progressively quieter until "one" is said in a whisper. Finally, everyone silently breathes the word "zerooooooo."

Water and ice

Facilitator yells "water," and everyone starts dancing around silently, using flowing motions. Facilitator then yells "ice," and everyone freezes in whatever position they're in. To give directions, facilitator calls "ice CUBES," and everyone stands up straight, facing the facilitator. After the instructions are given, facilitator says "ice cubes - MELT," and participants are free to go do as they've been directed. Requires explanation beforehand.