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Covid Protocols

Revision as of 11:47, 2 August 2021 by Tony (talk | contribs)
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  • Clean” or “Cleaning” means the use of soap or detergents and water on surfaces to reduce or remove germs from surfaces.
  • “Child care” means a licensed or Emergency Child Care program caring for children weeks of age or older but under 13 years of age, including those operated by political subdivisions or governmental agencies.
  • “Close contact” means those persons who were within six (6) feet of a confirmed case of COVID-19 for a cumulative 15 minutes over a 24-hour period.
  • “Cohort” means a stable group of people who stay together consistently, with minimal interaction with other groups.
  • “COVID-19 symptoms” means any or all of the following:
    • Primary symptoms: cough, fever (temperature of 100.4°F or higher) or chills, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and new loss of taste or smell
    • Other common symptoms: muscle pain, headache, sore throat, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, new nasal congestion, and runny nose.
  • “Day camp” means a defined setting or facility that youth (K–12) attend for an established period of time, leaving at the end of the program day, which may or may not be licensed under ORS Chapter 446.
  • “Disinfect” or “Disinfecting” means the use of disinfectants following cleaning to kill germs that may remain on surfaces after cleaning.
  • “Enrichment programs” mean programs that provide care for school-age children (K–12), primarily for a single enrichment activity for eight hours or less a week.
  • “Household cohort” is a stable group of campers and staff who stay overnight together in a cabin, bunkhouse, tent, or similar defined space.
  • “Outdoor” means any open-air space including any space which may have a temporary or fixed cover (e.g., awning or roof) and at least fifty percent of the square footage of its sides open for airflow such that open sides are not adjacent to each other.
  • “Overnight camp” means a youth program with youth staying overnight at accommodations on site, which may or may not be licensed under ORS Chapter 446.
  • “Sanitize” or “Sanitizing” means the cleaning required by applicable local and state food sanitation requirements.
  • “Susceptible” has the meaning given that term in OAR 333-019-0010.
  • “Youth programs” means:
    • Day camps;
    • Summer camps;
    • Overnight camps;
    • Enrichment programs serving children 0 to 18 years of age.
    • Programs operated by political subdivisions or governmental entities that offer programming only for middle school-age children ages 11 years and older;
    • Any enrolled gathering of children from primarily ages 13 to 18 years for a defined period of daytime hours with teen or adult supervision. These gatherings can include children as young as age 11, provided they are part of a mixed-age cohort
Contact tracing

Youth programs operators are required to for contact tracing purposes, log the following, in accordance with rules adopted by the Oregon Health Authority under OAR 333, Division 19:

    • Adult name(s) completing drop-off and pick-up;
    • Youth names, arrival and departure date and times;
    • Name of any staff or person coming in contact with youth, arrival and departure date and times;
    • If transportation is provided by the program: names of all riders and their contact information.
Exclusion and notification

Youth programs operators should attempt to verify COVID-19 vaccination status in order to apply any exclusion protocols that are specific to vaccinated individuals. If an operator is not aware of an individual’s vaccination status, they should assume the individual is unvaccinated and follow general exclusion protocols.

Youth programs operators are required to:

  • Exclude from the program any child or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, for the time period specified in the rules adopted by the Oregon Health Authority under OAR 333, Division 19, in accordance with rules adopted by the Authority. Exclude from the program any child or staff member who is susceptible and who is exposed to COVID-19, for the time period specified in the rules adopted by the Oregon Health Authority, in accordance with the rules adopted by the Authority.
  • Inform all families, staff, and individuals who enter the child care program that they should not enter if they are unvaccinated and have been exposed to a COVID-19 case.
  • Notify the local public health authority immediately if anyone who has been on the premises of the program is diagnosed with COVID 19.
  • Communicate, in coordination with local public health authority, with all families and other individuals who have been on the premises of the program in the past 14 days about a confirmed case of COVID-19.
Overnight camps

Additional recommendations for programs that operate overnight camps

  • Operators of overnight camps are encouraged to: If tents are used:
    • Minimize the number of campers in each tent.
    • Maximize ventilation by opening vents or screens, as feasible.
    • Encourage eligible staff, campers, volunteers and family members to get fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
    • It is reasonable to allow household cohorts, including unvaccinated campers and staff, to interact without masks or physical distancing when in cabins or away from other camp cohorts, particularly if other prevention strategies are implemented.
    • Support campers and staff who prefer to wear masks
  • Have an identified isolation room or area to separate anyone who exhibits COVIDlike symptoms. If the camp has a healthcare provider, they should be provided and wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including N95 respirators, and use Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions when caring for sick people.
  • Ask camp staff and campers who are not fully vaccinated to get tested with a viral test 3–5 days after traveling home from camp AND stay home and self-quarantine for a full 7days after travel.