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Week 2: Whistlehog's Way

Revision as of 23:53, 20 June 2021 by Gallison (talk | contribs)

In the second week, something has disrupted the very flow of time! The same day keeps repeating and repeating, bringing the same devastating raid every morning. It’s all the Village can do to defend itself, and they desperately need the Trackers help.

Advance Preparation

Throughout this adventure, you will need to write several notes and hide various items to be found during games. Double check notes daily to ensure your props are in place for the day. You will need the following:

  • A cast of an ungulate track, preferably a goat, which can be used to fabricate tracks. In order to make fake tracks quickly, try attaching the cast to the end of a walking stick.
  • A small amount of fake blood. Ketchup works, or add some red food coloring to corn syrup if you want to get realistic.
  • Five short documents to be found in various games through the week.
  • A big rock to symbolize the Hearthstone, plus 5-6 smaller rocks to represent the Hearthstone’s shattered form on the last day. These can probably be picked up on the fly.

You will also need to design a Villain’s Lair. This should be a safe but topographically interesting area within the boundaries of your location on Days 2 and 3. Once you’ve chosen the area, visit it and conceptualize a lair which would be fun to infiltrate in a spy movie. Some things to determine:

  • Visual description of a hideout that is designed to blend in with the environment around it
  • Location of the main entrance
  • Additional points of ingress (a window that can be climbed through, a dry water duct which can be crawled into, etc.)
  • Placement of guards, number determined by difficulty group can handle
  • One or two physical barriers obstructing the guards’ lines of sight, i.e. places to run between for cover
  • Possible addition of goat tracks or blood (see Day 2 for context)
  • Methods for creating distractions

Non Playable Characters (NPCs)

These are the characters that may be encountered in this story. They are ordered from most to least screentime in the narrative.

  1. Lysander
  2. Cinna
  3. Isha
Day One Morning

Before the official beginning of the day, read ahead to the games. Make sure you plan a time to gather some shelter making supplies, plant the tracks and note from Lysander.

The first game of the day sorts Trackers into teams. Choose one of the options below:

Forehead Dots

Trackers all get a colored mark on their forehead while their eyes are closed. Mark four Trackers in each color, and choose randomly, as these will be future teams. The "dots" can be masking tape, a post-it, or even washable marker.

When you're done, Trackers open their eyes. They must now sort themselves into teams in complete silence, using only non-verbal communication to find their color matches.


Hide and Seek Out Your Team

Half the Trackers hide within specified boundaries. After 30 seconds head start, send the other half out in search. When the seekers find someone, they both head back to group up, and are now teammates!

In the second round, play this in pairs to end with teams of four. Backstage time throughout the morning can be used for character creation.

When you reach the Team Camp site, greet the Trackers as the Guide, a native of the nearby Village.

“Thank the dragons, you’re all here! This is, or was, the Village commons. I don’t have time to explain, but we’re about to be attacked. Help me get some defenses up, then I can tell you more!”

Bring them to the Village site, which is currently completely wrecked! Supplies for shelter building are strewn all around, and Trackers need to build the best lean-to possible in just a few minutes! *

*Actually 15-20 minutes, some of which will require coaching in basic lean-to construction skills. You can also start a lean-to for them to finish or rebuild.

Lean-to Construction Game/ Raid Day 1

While they're working, fill in the situation:

  • Other villagers are around the area, trying to shore up shelters and defenses
  • The Village has been raided by monsters every day for five days
  • It’s not just daily raids, it’s the same exact raid repeating over and over
  • Something’s terribly off in nature, too: freak ice storms, earthquakes, etc.
  • The Village requested members of the four Guilds be brought in from all over the area to help determine the cause of these anomalies

Before the shelters are fully complete, tell Trackers get inside and take cover. The raid is about to begin!

As you describe the attack, you or another guide may rattle and pull apart their shelters. Use great caution in doing this; avoid damaging any structural pieces, and have the kids abandon the shelter and take cover if there are any signs of collapse.

"The ground begins to rattle underfoot… A dozen squeaking rodents called whistlehogs dart out of the bushes, fleeing a hoarde of creatures! There are forest animals, along with monstrous humanoids with fur, horns, and tails. They rush into the Village and begin to turn everything inside out! They rattle every structure, breaking through barricades and grabbing up everything edible or valuable. After several minutes of the frenzy, a deep horn sounds in the distance. The attackers filter back into the wilderness even quicker than they appeared, and the Village goes still."

Once the attack has passed, introduce them to the NPC Isha. She can clarify and reiterate details of the attacks, if Trackers have questions.

Isha believes the source of the time anomaly is the Village's Hearthstone... or rather, the lack of it. It went missing the previous week, and since it represents the connection between the Village community and the nature, it's absence may have disrupted something in the natural world.

As if on cue, the sky suddenly darkens ominously and rain droplets begin to pepper your shoulders.

Structured Improv Game: Lightning Storm

Give Trackers a series of prompts to act out, leading them towards the lunch site if it's practical.

  • The winds begin to whip up and push you forward.
  • The rain begins to fall heavily. Find cover under that tree!
  • Lightning arcs out, hitting the nearby tree! Get low to the ground.
  • Separate out to prevent multiple injuries from one lightning strike.
  • Run towards the shelter!

Day One Afternoon

Teams return to their Secret Camps, only to discover strange, goat-like tracks cutting through the area! Once discovered, allow the Trackers to discuss what to do about them. Before anyone tries to start tracking down the culprit, recommend the tracks be preserved from the unnatural weather patterns.

Make a Weather Station

While the Trackers make weather stations, traverse around the perimeter of the Team Camps, as far away as seems natural. You’re going to plant another clue! Hide a blood-stained note from an unknown individual:

“We mean no harm!! Need help. Find me at (insert a symbol or item to be hunted down).”

When Trackers are done with the weather station, suggest they investigate the whole Team Camp area to see if there's any other clues about the tracks' origins.

Investigate the Area Game: Ends when someone finds the clue, giving the group a heading for the next day!

Day Two Morning

Before the official beginning of the day, read ahead to the games. Make sure you plan a time to plant the meeting symbol and blood trails before or during the day.

Pure Play Game of Choice in the morning, before traveling to Team Camps. Trackers should check and journal the weather station along with their own Wisdom of the Marks.

Start the Morning Adventures with the second round of the raid. They have 10-15 minutes to repair and build the shelters back before the attack repeat. This time, the goal of the raid isn't just to endure, but to do reconnaissance.

Stealth Game/ Raid Day 2

Give Trackers the opportunity to learn more about the raiders. Before beginning the attack, place intel (on popsicle sticks or small slips of paper) in areas of natural cover.

One member of each team can leave the shelter at one time, but must move in stealth to an area of cover. There, they can retrieve one piece of intel before returning, which can then be shared with their teammates. Intel may include these hints, or improvised choices:

  1. The day starts with a herd of whistlehogs
  2. There are four wolves
  3. There is one lynx
  4. There are three stags
  5. There are five monstrous humanoids
  6. The humanoids seem to be creatures of the forest
  7. The humanoids all carry weapons
  8. The attackers seem to be looking for something
  9. The creatures' eyes are all red
  10. The creatures seem especially attracted to your new shelter
  11. The tallest humanoid has a horn
  12. When the horn sounds, the animals start behaving like regular wild animals

After the raid has passed, remind the Trackers of yesterday’s goal: track down the hoofprints and note-writer. Split Trackers into teams and have them search for the area or symbol designated in the note. Instruct teams on a way to call out if they find it.

Exploration Game

When a team signals and everyone is grouped up, you may introduce them the NPC Lysander. The faunus (half-man, half-goat) has been wounded.

“Whoa, hey! Humans! You come in peace, right? You got my note? You must think we’re some kind of monsters, attacking your village every morning. But it’s not our fault! We’ve been compelled by magic, and I’ve figured out who’s doing it. You’ll help, right?”

Lysander is very gregarious and happy to tell the Trackers , in all apparent honesty, everything he knows. Here are some facts he can share:

The villain is always cloaked, but his voice is of a boy

The villain has a mysterious power source that , looks like an egg

The egg can compel creatures to attack, but the charm doesn’t last

Lysander attacked the villain after the charm wore off, and they injured each other. Hence the blood.

He doesn’t dare follow the villain in this condition, but he can show you the blood trail to track

LysanderThe faunus will give the Tracker’s time to deliberate and make a plan of action.

Day Two Afternoon

If the Trackers are leaning towards helping Lysander, you can offer them the option of a quick First Aid Game of Choice. Whether they patch upHowever they deal with Lysander or not, however, encourage them to follow thethis villain’s blood trail. They have to try to stop the daily raids!

Blood Trailing Game

“The blood trail continues for several feet before disappearing into a cave. Describe the villain’s lair, complete with guards walking in rotation.

Make a Villain’s Lair- Flesh out the lair by having each team, in turn, ask a question about itthe lair. Supply them with short answers, describing anything the guide could see from the lair’s exterior. Recommend they draw out a map or keep notes in their journal.

At the end of this mini-game, a weather event begins and you must all find cover, quickly!

Improv Game: Ice Storm

Traverse to the safety of the Village. Once there, propose infiltrating the lair after tomorrow morning’s raid! Wrap up the day making a plan.

Day Three Morning

(Before the official beginning of the day, read ahead to the games. Make sure you plan a time to plant the note from Lysander.)

Trackers assemble at their Team Camps after checking in. Have them check in with their Secret Camps, check the weather station, and then prepare for the newest wave of the raid!

Raid Game with Repairs and Projectiles - Trackers may again build up and repair during the raid. This time, there is also an opportunity to fight back! The defenses are holding better, so insert a round of projectile combat.

Trackers are able to spot and try to call to Lysander. He seems to recognize them for a moment before returning to the enchanted rampage. As a visual indicator, hHis eyes (and all the attacking creatures’) are bright red rather than his usual green as a visual indicator.

As soon as the raid is complete, travel to the villain’s lair area as quickly and quietly as possible.

Infiltrate the Villain’s Lair Game - Adapt a stealth game with improvised elements for an exciting sequence. Punish If any Trackers ignore or forgetfor not paying attention to the intel you gave, have the by having guards spot them and chase them back.

The Trackers are now inside the Villain’s Lair! This can be portrayed by a new area of wilderness. Start by walking the group through the first stretch, verbally taking them through the visuals of the area. Ensure the note from Lysander is hidden none-too-well along this stretch. It’s written in Lysander’s handwriting, but as a hasty scribble:

“turn back!!”

Dun dun duuuun! Break for lunch.

Day Three Afternoon

On returning from lunch, Trackers must decide whether or not they heed the note. Depending on their choice, they may either advance, running into the cloaked villain first, or retreat, running into an enchanted Lysander first.

Regardless, they end up flanked by enemies! The villain takes off his hood to reveal his identity as Cinna. The staff he’s carrying has the Village’s Hearthstone attached to it, which you as the guide can point out.

“Another one found my hideout? I can’t believe I trusted Elwood with the construction of this place! Who are all of you, anyway? Not that I suppose it matters much. My pet beast here will ensure you never leave!”

Structured Combat Game - The Trackers will be defending themselves against Lysander’s lightning-speed attacks. Add in a mechanic where hitting a called out target will weaken the enchantment on the faunus, eventually breaking it entirely.

Now free, Lysander sides with you against Cinna. You’re able to chase him to the entrance of the lair, but another burst of unnatural weather cloaks his escape. Lysander tells you he’ll deal with the guards, you all had better search Cinna’s lair before he can come back with reinforcements.

Exploration Game of Choice

The Trackers may come across three storytelling artifacts. Try to space them out broadly, so different teams have opportunities to find them:

A Letter from Isha - Cinna’s grandmotherShe implores him to return to the Village, or at least to reach out to her or his parents. She misses him and is worried about his lack of contact.

A Message from the Artisan’s Guild - In which Cinna was kicked out for plagiarism of his guildmate’s work.

Cinna’s Journal - With the last few entries revealing key elements to his plot:

He’s using the Hearthstone, but doesn’t really understand it

The stone is missing a small fragmentpiece, which he assumes is why the weather is screwy and it won’t obey his every command

The purpose of the repeating morning raids is for the enchanted creatures to look for the missing shard within the village

He learned of the Trackers and set up this ambush

He plans to go to the Vvillage personally tomorrow

End the day with these revelations!

Day Four Morning

Trackers will be getting used to the morning routine now. Team and Secret Camp time, check the weather station, and prepare for the final raid!

Raid Game with Repairs and Projectiles - Trackers may again repair as needed while playing a projectile game to repel the attackers. Lysander is on your side now, but the enemy team has Cinna. Make adjustments to the game as desired!

The Trackers overpower Cinna and the enchanted creatures. The enchantment broken, the creatures y wander away in a daze. Cinna is furious!

“If you hadn’t meddled in my plans, these useless puppets would’ve found my Hearthstone shard by now! Don’t think I’m beaten, though! Even broken, the Hearthstone has I have all the rest of the stone’s powers!”

Slamming the Hearthstone staff on the ground, Cinna triggers aanother violent weather shift! Clouds of fog roll in on all sides of the Trackers, reducing their visibility to an arm’s length.

Improv Game - Dense Fog

Once free of the fog, Cinna is nowhere to be seen. However, his tracks are headed in the direction of (, according to Lysander), a nearby harbor where Cinna keeps a steam-powered getaway boat. Scandalous!

Lysander knows a shortcut to the harbor, but it’s a bit of a tough path, b. Best traversed by ungulates. The Trackers have to choose: long and easy route, or difficult short-cut. Either way, Lysander leaves to he’d like to check on his friends, the enchanted creatures and make sure everyone is okay.

Trackers take the longer, easiernormal path:

Traversing Game of Choice

After a nice nature walk, arrive just as Cinna is reaching his ship… and they’ve triggered a rope trap!

Trackers take the shortcut:

Obstacle Course Game

After a short but grueling course, you arrive before Cinna. There’s time to set a trap!

Day Four Afternoon

ForIf the Trackers who took the normal path, they’ll start the afternoon hacking their way out of a rope trap!

Improv Game

For Trackers took the shortcut, they’re able to set an ambush. Each team gets to set up their own trap.

Trap Setting Game

Whether breaking free of a trap or catching Cinna in their own, Trackers will now have a chance to confront him directly. Knowing he’s caught, but unwilling to give up the Hearthstone, he uses it to upset nature forces once more.

“The harbor begins to bubble and roil. Suddenly, a giant tentacle shoots out from the water, slamming into the ground next to you! Two more follow, blocking escape routes and helping the mighty kraken pull its head above the rolling waves.”

Kraken Fight Game

At the conclusion of this encounter, Cinna is nearly crushed by a falling tentacle. He drops the staff, and the Hearthstone shatters! Uh-oh.

Day Five Morning

The day begins within crazy weather conditions. Trackers teams are separated to far ends of the site and must navigate and take a piece of the Hearthstone to the Village. Guides may act as a wild wind, forcing groups they encounter to turn and move in a different direction for a time.

Traversing/Improv Game: Wind Storm

When all teams have made it tointo the Village, the weather calms back down. Lysander and Isha are both waiting in the Village for the Trackers.

Isha believes the Hearthstone will be safe here in the Vvillage, even in pieces. Building up the community may heal it over time. She recommends crafting a basket or container for the Hearthstone pieces.

Foraging and Crafting Game

While working on the basket, Trackers may also do final journaling in the Secret Camps, take down the defensive shelters, and dismantle the weather station.

Work is interrupted by the “raiding monsters,” who are just gentle forest mems and creatures like unicorns and faunus. Lysander apologizes on all their behalf for the damage they caused, and offers their help to patch up the Village.

Lysander adds an extra apology while returnsing the missing Hearthstone piece. He stole it from Cinna as a prank for the boy being so disrespectful of nature, and had no idea the trouble it would cause.

Return the last piece of the Hearthstone to the basket, and the time anomaly is dispelled for good!

Celebration and pure play games with Lysander, the villagers, and the forest creatures!