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(Created page with "<span class="s1">'''COVID-19 Prevention Program for Trackers Earth'''</span> <span class="s1">'''COVID-19 PANDEMIC'''</span> <span class="s1">The novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV...")
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<span class="s1">'''COVID-19 Prevention Program for Trackers Earth'''</span>
<span class="s1">'''COVID-19 PANDEMIC'''</span>
* Clean” or “Cleaning” means the use of soap or detergents and water on surfaces to reduce or remove germs from surfaces.
* “Child care” means a licensed or Emergency Child Care program caring for children weeks of age or older but under 13 years of age, including those operated by political subdivisions or governmental agencies.
* “Close contact” means those persons who were within six (6) feet of a confirmed case of COVID-19 for a cumulative 15 minutes over a 24-hour period.
* “Cohort” means a stable group of people who stay together consistently, with minimal interaction with other groups.
* “COVID-19 symptoms” means any or all of the following:
** Primary symptoms: cough, fever (temperature of 100.4°F or higher) or chills, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and new loss of taste or smell
** Other common symptoms: muscle pain, headache, sore throat, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, new nasal congestion, and runny nose.
* “Day camp” means a defined setting or facility that youth (K–12) attend for an established period of time, leaving at the end of the program day, which may or may not be licensed under ORS Chapter 446.
* “Disinfect” or “Disinfecting” means the use of disinfectants following cleaning to kill germs that may remain on surfaces after cleaning.
* “Enrichment programs” mean programs that provide care for school-age children (K–12), primarily for a single enrichment activity for eight hours or less a week.
* “Household cohort” is a stable group of campers and staff who stay overnight together in a cabin, bunkhouse, tent, or similar defined space.
* “Outdoor” means any open-air space including any space which may have a temporary or fixed cover (e.g., awning or roof) and at least fifty percent of the square footage of its sides open for airflow such that open sides are not adjacent to each other.
* “Overnight camp” means a youth program with youth staying overnight at accommodations on site, which may or may not be licensed under ORS Chapter 446.
* “Sanitize” or “Sanitizing” means the cleaning required by applicable local and state food sanitation requirements.
* “Susceptible” has the meaning given that term in OAR 333-019-0010.
* “Youth programs” means:
** Day camps;
** Summer camps;
** Overnight camps;
** Enrichment programs serving children 0 to 18 years of age.
** Programs operated by political subdivisions or governmental entities that offer programming only for middle school-age children ages 11 years and older;
** Any enrolled gathering of children from primarily ages 13 to 18 years for a defined period of daytime hours with teen or adult supervision. These gatherings can include children as young as age 11, provided they are part of a mixed-age cohort
<span class="s1">The novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, causes a viral respiratory illness called COVID-19, which can make people sick with flu-like and other symptoms. The[https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html <span class="s2"> </span><span class="s3">virus spreads</span>] easily when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or speaks, sending tiny droplets into the air. These droplets can land in the nose, mouth, or eyes of someone nearby and cause illness. The virus can also be caught from airborne virus, when small particles of infectious virus remain suspended in the air and people inhale them. People can also become infected if they touch an infectious droplet on a surface and then touch their own nose, mouth, or eyes.</span>
====== Contact tracing ======
Youth programs operators are required to for contact tracing purposes, log the following, in accordance with rules adopted by the Oregon Health Authority under OAR 333, Division 19:
<span class="s1">Some of the[https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html <span class="s4"> </span><span class="s3">symptoms</span>] of COVID-19 are cough, fever, shortness of breath, and new loss of taste or smell. Some people with mild cases may have no symptoms at all yet still can spread the virus. Staying at least six feet away from people outside of your household, covering your nose and mouth with a face covering, and washing hands often with soap and water can help stop COVID-19 from spreading in the workplace.</span>
** Adult name(s) completing drop-off and pick-up;
** Youth names, arrival and departure date and times;
** Name of any staff or person coming in contact with youth, arrival and departure date and times;
** If transportation is provided by the program: names of all riders and their contact information.
<span class="s1">'''COVID-19 PREVENTION PROGRAM'''</span>
====== Exclusion and notification ======
Youth programs operators should attempt to verify COVID-19 vaccination status in order to apply any exclusion protocols that are specific to vaccinated individuals. If an operator is not aware of an individual’s vaccination status, they should assume the individual is unvaccinated and follow general exclusion protocols.
<span class="s1">Trackers Earth is committed to protecting our employees and preventing the spread of COVID-19 at our workplace. We developed this program to reduce our workers’ risk of catching and spreading this virus. We encourage employees to share information about potential COVID-19 hazards at our workplace and assist in evaluating these hazards. We will investigate all workplace illnesses and correct hazards that are identified. We stay informed on the virus presence in our community as well as recommendations made by national and local health agencies. We review and update this plan as necessary.</span>
Youth programs operators are required to:
<span class="s1">'''DESIGNATION OF RESPONSIBILITY'''</span>
* Exclude from the program any child or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, for the time period specified in the rules adopted by the Oregon Health Authority under OAR 333, Division 19, in accordance with rules adopted by the Authority. Exclude from the program any child or staff member who is susceptible and who is exposed to COVID-19, for the time period specified in the rules adopted by the Oregon Health Authority, in accordance with the rules adopted by the Authority.
* Inform all families, staff, and individuals who enter the child care program that they should not enter if they are unvaccinated and have been exposed to a COVID-19 case.
* Notify the local public health authority immediately if anyone who has been on the premises of the program is diagnosed with COVID 19.
* Communicate, in coordination with local public health authority, with all families and other individuals who have been on the premises of the program in the past 14 days about a confirmed case of COVID-19.
<span class="s1">Local Directors offer the authority and responsibility for implementing this plan in the greater Portland region. All managers and supervisors are responsible for implementing this plan in their assigned work areas and ensuring employees’ questions are answered in a language they understand.</span>
===== Overnight camps =====
Additional recommendations for programs that operate overnight camps
<span class="s1">All employees are required to follow the policies and procedures laid out in this plan, use safe work practices, and assist in maintaining a safe work environment.</span>
* Operators of overnight camps are encouraged to: If tents are used:
** Minimize the number of campers in each tent.
===== '''Recording''' =====
** Maximize ventilation by opening vents or screens, as feasible.
Keep accurate daily logs for each cohort. These logs must be maintained for a minimum of four weeks after the end of the program and must include the following information to support contact tracing, if necessary:
** Encourage eligible staff, campers, volunteers and family members to get fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
** It is reasonable to allow household cohorts, including unvaccinated campers and staff, to interact without masks or physical distancing when in cabins or away from other camp cohorts, particularly if other prevention strategies are implemented.
* Youth name
** Support campers and staff who prefer to wear masks
* Drop-off and pickup time for each youth
* Have an identified isolation room or area to separate anyone who exhibits COVIDlike symptoms. If the camp has a healthcare provider, they should be provided and wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including N95 respirators, and use Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions when caring for sick people.
* Name of adult completing both drop off and pick up (adult signature not required)
* Ask camp staff and campers who are not fully vaccinated to get tested with a viral test 3–5 days after traveling home from camp AND stay home and self-quarantine for a full 7days after travel.
* Adult emergency contact information for each youth
* Names of all staff that interact with a cohort of children (including floater staff) during the day
* Daily health checks of each child, noting if check was a pass or fail (do not note specific information)
* If transportation is provided by the program, document names of all other riders and their contact information (if not recorded elsewhere).
===== Transport =====
Comply with the [https://www.oregon.gov/ode/students-and-family/healthsafety/Documents/Ready%20Schools%20Safe%20Learners%202020-21%20Guidance.pdf Ready Schools, Safe Learners Guidance, Section 2i], Transportation if providing transportation services.
===== Participate Restrictions =====
Restrict from the program any youth or staff known to be a confirmed close contact of an individual with COVID-19 or who has been exposed (e.g., by a household member, friend or relative) to COVID-19 within the preceding 14 days.
* Any youth or staff with a confirmed COVID-19 exposure within this timeframe should be quarantined and restricted from participation for up to 14 days from their last exposure. Although a 14-day quarantine is the safest option to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to others, the local public health authority (LPHA) may allow close contacts who have not developed any symptoms to end quarantine after 10 days without any testing, or after 7 days with a negative result on a COVID-19 viral test collected within 48 hours before ending quarantine, with the following exceptions:
** Fully vaccinated people who had an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are not required to quarantine if they meet the following criteria:
*** They have received both doses of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine (or one dose of a single-dose vaccine), AND
*** It has been at least 14 days since their final dose of COVID-19 vaccine AND
*** They have no COVID-19 symptoms
** Fully vaccinated people who do not quarantine should still watch for symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days following an exposure. If they experience COVID-19 symptoms, they should follow the guidance for people with symptoms (see immediately below).
** Close contacts who themselves had a previous confirmed or presumptive COVID-19 case (verified by a positive viral COVID-19 test and/or LPHA) and have completed their isolation are not required to quarantine if the new exposure happened within 90 days of symptom onset or first positive test, whichever is earlier, for their original case
* Communicate to staff not to report to work in person and communicate to parents not to bring their child to the program if they currently have or recently had an illness with COVID-19 symptoms.
** A staff person or child with COVID-19 symptoms should stay home for at least 10 days after illness starts and until 24 hours after fever is gone, without use of fever-reducing medicine, and COVID-19 symptoms have resolved.
** Staff or youth who have a cough that is not a new-onset cough (e.g. asthma, allergies, etc.), do not need to be excluded from the program. Programs may choose to collect information about existing conditions that cause coughing and runny nose on intake forms.
* Report to and consult with the LPHA regarding cleaning and possible classroom or program closure if anyone who has entered the program is diagnosed with COVID-19.
* Report to LPHA any illness consistent with COVID-19 among youth program staff or students who attended youth programs within the previous 14 days.=
===== General =====
The following guidelines:
* We must provide hand sanitizer, handwashing facilities, tissues and garbage receptacles that are easily accessible to both youth and staff.
* Require all persons in the program to frequently wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (e.g., after using the restroom, before and after meals, after coming inside, after sneezing, blowing the nose or coughing).
** Alcohol-based hand-sanitizer (60 to 95%) may be used as an alternative to handwashing, except when eating, preparing or serving food and after using the restroom. If soap and water is not available (e.g. back country camp), alcohol-based hand sanitizer may be used; however, every effort should be made to facilitate soap and water handwashing.
* Remind staff and youth often to do the following:
** Cover coughs and sneezes, even when wearing a mask, with a tissue or elbow;
** Throw any used tissue away immediately into a garbage receptacle; and
** Clean hands after covering coughs and sneezes, and after throwing away used tissues.
* Minimize contact during drop-off and pick-up by:
** Requiring parents to remain outside of the building for sign-in and sign-out of their children.
** Requiring parents or caregivers to maintain physical distancing.
** Opening drop-off and pick-up times to a larger window.
** Limiting use of commonly touched objects (writing implements, clipboards, etc.) and clean regularly.
** Providing hand hygiene stations at the entrance of the facility — outside or immediately inside — so that children and staff can clean their hands as they enter.
** Increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible by opening windows and doors, using fans and employing other methods. See the CDC page on ventilation recommendations.
** Do not open windows and doors if doing so poses a safety or health risk (for example, allowing pollen in or exacerbating asthma symptoms) to campers using the facility.
* In the event that there is a single case or a cluster of cases of COVID-19 in a program, the program must partner with the LPHA, who will advise on any need for isolation or quarantine of person(s) or cohort(s) and provide support with ongoing COVID-19 mitigation efforts. In some situations, full program closure could be required; careful observance of all guidance is necessary to avoid this scenario.
===== Face masks and face coverings: =====
Staff members/counselors must wear a mask, face covering or face shield in accordance with the Statewide Mask, Face Covering, Face Shield Guidance.
All program youth are required to wear a mask, face covering or face shield when participating in activities indoors. Program youth are required to wear a mask, face covering or face shield when outdoors and may come within six (6) feet of distance with someone from outside their household.
* Youth are not required to wear a mask, face covering or face shield when participating in an activity that makes wearing a mask, face covering or face shield not feasible, such as when swimming or playing a brass or woodwind instrument. However, additional steps should be taken, like increasing physical distancing (to greater than six (6) feet), more frequent cleaning, reducing the size of the cohort, or doing the activity outdoors, per the Ready Schools, Safe Learners Guidance, Section 5f.
* Programs should make an effort to provide a face covering to youth who do not have access to a face covering or forget to bring one.
* Face coverings are preferred over face shields because they provide better containment of small droplets and aerosols that can be produced while talking.
** Face shields without any other face covering are an acceptable alternative only when a person has a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a mask or face covering, when people need to see mouth and tongue motions in order to communicate, or when an individual is speaking to an audience for a short period of time and clear communication is otherwise not possible.
* Youths of any age should not wear a mask, face covering or face shield if:
** They have a medical condition that makes it hard for them to breathe;
** They have a disability that prevents them from wearing a mask, face covering or face shield;
** They are unable to remove the mask, face covering or face shield by themselves; or 7 of 13 OHA2351P05202021 ▪ They are sleeping.
* Programs cannot restrict access to activities and instruction for children who cannot wear a mask, face covering or face shield. Staff and youth who have a medical condition that makes it hard to breathe or a disability that prevents the individual from wearing a mask, face covering or face shield can request an accommodation from the program to enable full and equal access to services, transportation and facilities open to the public. A reasonable modification does not include simply allowing a staff or youth access to activities or instruction without a mask, face covering or face shield.
===== Screening =====
Ensure all youth and staff verify that they are symptom free and have not had any known exposure to individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 during the 14-day period prior to arrival on camp.
* Check for new COVID-19 symptoms for anyone entering the program facility/area or working with youth and staff. This can be done visually as well as by asking children and staff about any new symptoms or close contact with someone with COVID-19. For children, confirmation from a parent/caregiver or guardian can also be appropriate. Staff members can self-screen and attest to their own health, but regular reminders of the importance of daily screening must be provided to staff.
** Direct children and staff to stay home if they have COVID-19 symptoms. COVID19 symptoms are as follows: ▪ Primary symptoms of concern: cough, fever (temperature of 100.4°F or higher) or chills, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or new loss of taste or smell.
** Note that muscle pain, headache, sore throat, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, new nasal congestion, and runny nose are also symptoms often associated with COVID-19. More information about COVID-19 symptoms is available from the CDC.
* If a youth or staff member exhibits or develops a new cough (e.g., unrelated to pre-existing condition such as asthma), fever, shortness of breath or other primary symptoms of COVID-19 during the day/class session, separate from others and send them home as soon as possible.
** While waiting for a sick child to be picked up, a staff member must stay with the youth in an area away from others. The caregiver must wear a face covering and should remain as far away as safely possible from the youth (preferably at least six (6) feet), while remaining in the same room or outdoor area.
** The sick youth or staff are strongly encouraged to get tested. If they test positive, or do not have testing performed, they must stay home for at least 10 days after illness started and until 24 hours after fever and COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, and diarrhea) have resolved without the use of medication.
* Ensure that the program has flexible sick-leave and absentee policies that allow staff to stay home while sick or required to quarantine.
* Report to and work with the LPHA about cleaning and possible need for closure if anyone who has entered the program facility is diagnosed with COVID-19.
* Report to the LPHA any cluster of illness among the program staff or youth.
===== Physical distancing and cohorting =====
The cohort may change no more frequently than once per week (e.g., for programs operating on a weekly schedule)..
* Programs hosting different morning and afternoon groups may be offered. Sanitation steps must be taken between these sessions.
* Before and after care must be carefully managed to keep youth in the same cohort in which they will spend their day.
* A program can have multiple cohorts if the facility or site can accommodate physical distancing for the number of youth hosted. Each cohort must have at least one staff member who is continuously supervising the group.
* Youth meals and activities occur within the same cohort.
* We are not required to provide separate restrooms for each cohort. However, restroom use must be limited to one cohort at a time.
** Open restroom windows and operate built-in fans, as feasible, to improve ventilation.
** We recommend least 15 minutes between restroom use by different cohorts. Youth will not be wearing face coverings when using the restrooms for activities like showering and brushing teeth. Opening doors and windows between use by different cohorts can reduce aerosols in the restrooms and minimize the spread of COVID-19.
* Before and after care: Cohorts must be limited to no more than 30 youth at a given time. Youth cannot be part of more than two cohorts (including transportation) in any given week.
* No staff member is permitted to interact with more than three cohorts in a given day and five in a given week.
* If multiple cohorts are checking in to a youth program at the same time, designate separate spaces during check-in for each cohort to maintain physical distancing requirements.
* Ensure that each cohort does not mix with any other group when indoors. When feasible, cohorts that are indoors should remain in one space for the duration of the day, or only use indoor spaces that have not been used by other cohorts that day.
* If multiple cohorts join for outdoor programs or activities, ensure that all people are wearing face coverings and maintaining six (6) feet physical distancing to the maximum extent possible.
* Minimize the number of staff interacting with each group of youth. If possible, staff should be dedicated to a single group and not move between groups. If “floater staff” or different staff rotate with the cohort, they must wash their hands prior to entering the space with the cohort of youth.
* No outside visitors may enter the program, except for critical service providers such as medical staff or emergency personnel and visitors, vendors, and others essential for safe and effective operations of the program. Parents and guardians should not be allowed to enter the program except for emergencies.
* Support physical distancing during daily activities and classes and maintain at least six (6) feet of distance between individuals. For example, structure programming in the following ways:
** Eliminate large group activities (larger than cohort of 30).
** Increase the distance between youth during table work.
** Plan activities that do not require close physical contact among multiple youth.
** Minimize time standing in lines and take steps to ensure that six (6) feet of distance between youth is maintained.
** Ensure more physical distance between participants for activities that include brass or woodwind instruments because these instruments may spread respiratory droplets farther than six (6) feet.
** Use the largest spaces practical for group activities and hold activities outside if feasible.
===== Cleaning and disinfection =====
'''All programs are required to:'''
* Frequently clean high-touch surfaces (for example, indoor playground equipment, stationary climbing frames, door handles, drinking fountains and transport vehicles).
* Clean restrooms daily, prioritizing high-touch surfaces like stall handles, doorknobs, sink handles, and faucets.
* Disinfecting surfaces after cleaning is recommended if certain conditions apply, such as the space having been occupied by an individual with COVID-19.
* Use disinfectants that are included on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved list for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.
** Establishment operators may consider following the disinfection practices recommended by the Pediatric Environmental Health Safety Units.
** Disinfect safely and correctly. Keep disinfectant products away from children following directions on the label, as specified by the manufacturer.
* Outdoor playground structures require normal routine cleaning and do not require disinfection. Shared equipment should be cleaned and/or disinfected frequently in accordance with CDC guidance.
* Avoid use of items (for example, soft or plush toys or pillows) that are not easily cleaned. <br /> <br />
<span class="s1">We evaluate our workplace and operations to identify tasks that may have exposure to COVID-19. The evaluation includes all interactions, areas, activities, processes, equipment, and materials that could present potential exposure to COVID-19. Assessments include employee interactions with all persons who may be present in the workplace:  contractors, vendors, customers, and members of the public. Evaluations include:</span>
* <span class="s1">Identification of places and times when people may gather or come in contact with each other, even if they aren’t working. Examples: meetings, trainings, workplace entrances, bathrooms, hallways, aisles, walkways, elevators, break or eating areas, cool-down areas, and waiting rooms.</span>
* <span class="s1">Employees’ potential workplace exposure to all persons at the workplace. We will consider how employees and others enter, leave, and travel through the workplace. Examples: co-workers, employees of other businesses, the public, customers or clients, and independent contractors.</span>
* <span class="s1">Existing COVID-19 prevention measures and whether we need different or additional control measures.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Employee Participation''' We encourage employees to participate in this evaluation. They can contact Eric Pahlka to share information on potential COVID-19 hazards at our workplace or to assist in evaluating these hazards.</span>
<span class="s1">We will evaluate how to maximize the amount of outdoor air entering our indoor spaces and if it is possible to increase the filtration efficiency to the highest level possible for our ventilation system.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Employees may confidentially inform us if they have a higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19, such as those with conditions like lung disease, obesity, or cancer. They will have priority for lower exposure job assignments or working from home whenever possible.'''</span>
<span class="s1">The jobs/tasks/activities at Trackers Earth have been assessed as follows:</span>
<span class="s1">'''Table 1 – Risk Assessment'''</span>
{| class="t1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
| class="td1" valign="top" |<span class="s1">'''Job Title or Task'''</span>
| class="td2" valign="top" |<span class="s1">'''Description of Exposure Risk'''</span>
| class="td1" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Checking participants in and out</span>
| class="td2" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Extended period interacting with participant’s guardians or authorized pickups.</span>
| class="td1" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Interacting with groups of participants throughout the day</span>
| class="td2" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Increased risk for exposure potential over a long period interacting with participants.</span>
<span class="s1">'''CORRECTION OF COVID-19 HAZARDS'''</span>
<span class="s1">We treat all persons, regardless of symptoms or negative test results, as potentially infectious. We select and implement[https://www.safeatworkca.com/safety-articles/control-measures-for-covid-19/ <span class="s4"> </span><span class="s6">feasible control measures</span>] to minimize or eliminate employee exposure to COVID-19. We review orders and guidance COVID-19 hazards and prevention from the State of California can Oregon and the local health department, including general information and information specific to our industry, location, and operations. We correct unsafe or unhealthy conditions, work practices, policies, and procedures in a timely manner based on the severity of the hazard.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Table 2 – Controls to Reduce Exposure'''</span>
{| class="t1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
| class="td3" valign="top" |<span class="s1">'''Job Title/Task/Work Area'''</span>
| class="td4" valign="top" |<span class="s1">'''Engineering Controls'''</span>
| class="td5" valign="top" |<span class="s1">'''Administrative Controls'''</span>
| class="td6" valign="top" |<span class="s1">'''PPE'''</span>
| class="td3" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Entering storage structure for program materials</span>
| class="td4" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Use natural ventilation; limit number of staff within or near storage structure</span>
| class="td5" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Stagger work shift start times when possible;</span> <span class="s5">provide visual cues</span> <span class="s1">and enforce physical distancing; face coverings required</span>
| class="td6" valign="top" |
| class="td3" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Handling program materials after use</span>
| class="td4" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Whenever possible, require participants to place program gear/materials centrally; whenever possible, require participants to sanitize gear/materials they have used; use spray bottles to sanitize program gear/materials</span>
| class="td5" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Ensure enough program gear and materials for each participant to minimize sharing</span>
| class="td6" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Provide nitrile gloves for sanitizing program gear/materials</span>
| class="td3" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Utilizing restrooms after another user</span>
| class="td4" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Prevent use of restrooms by more than one group of participants at a time; after use, use provided bleach spray (solution as detailed on[https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/disinfecting-building-facility.html <span class="s4"> </span><span class="s6">EPA’s Disinfecting your Facility</span>] webpage); remind participants to close toilet cover before flushing; use non-flushing toilets when possible; increase ventilation in restroom facilities</span>
| class="td5" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Always ensure 2 weeks’ worth of sanitation solution inventory; rent additional restroom facilities as needed</span>
| class="td6" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Provide nitrile gloves, placed within or near each restroom facility.</span>
| class="td3" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Checking participants in and out with guardians or authorized pickups</span>
| class="td4" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Ensure each group has space for six square feet for each participant; set up barriers or otherwise mark space for each group; create clear pathways for traffic flow</span>
| class="td5" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Face coverings required; provide visual cues and enforce physical distancing</span>
| class="td6" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Provide face coverings</span>
| class="td3" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Interacting with groups of participants</span>
| class="td4" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Use outdoor spaces whenever possible; stagger sanitation stations throughout facilities if possible</span>
| class="td5" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Face coverings required; enforce physical distancing; approve only those activities that can be facilitated with proper distancing measures</span>
| class="td6" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Provide face coverings; provide hand sanitizer to all staff</span>
<span class="s1">We inspect periodically to check that controls are effective, to identify unhealthy work conditions or practices, and to ensure compliance with this plan. Any deficiencies are corrected right away, and we update this plan if needed.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Engineering Controls – Equipment and Building Systems to Minimize Exposures'''</span>
<span class="s1">Our engineering controls for COVID-19 include:</span>
* <span class="s1">Evaluating if we can increase filtration efficiency to the highest level compatible with the existing ventilation system.</span>
* <span class="s1">Maximizing outdoor air for ventilation as much as feasible except when EPA’s Air Quality Index is greater than 150</span><span class="s7"> </span><span class="s1">or when increasing outdoor air would cause harm to employees, such as excessive heat or cold.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Administrative Controls – Policies, Procedures, and Practices to Minimize Exposure'''</span>
<span class="s1">Our administrative controls for COVID-19 are: (add more detail to these as needed to explain how they will be implemented at your workplace.)</span>
* <span class="s1">'''''Limiting Access''''' to the workplace to only necessary staff. Employees work from home whenever possible.</span>
* <span class="s1">'''''Screening Employees and Visitors''''' to our facility through the following methods:</span>
** <span class="s1">Onsite Screening - Face coverings are required during the screening process and non-contact thermometers are used.</span>
** <span class="s1">Self-Screening of Visitors - We have a symptom screening form posted at the entrances to our worksite and ask visitors to self-screen before entering the worksite.</span>
<span class="s1">We prohibit any employee or visitor sick with any potentially contagious disease from entering the workplace. Anyone exhibiting any potential symptoms of COVID-19 should contact Eric Pahlka and leave the worksite.</span>
<span class="s1">[https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/social-distancing.html <span class="s6">'''''Physical Distancing'''''</span>]''''':''''' Everyone must keep a six-foot distance from others at all times except where we can show that it is not possible or for brief times during the movement of people in the workplace. When six feet of distance cannot be maintained, people will be as far apart as possible. Methods for physical distancing include</span>
* <span class="s1">Reducing the number of persons in an area at one time (including visitors)</span>
* <span class="s1">Staggered arrival, departure, work, and break times</span>
* <span class="s1">Adjusted work processes (such as spreading out participant groups to a greater degree) to allow greater distance between employees.</span>
* <span class="s1">Telework or other remote work arrangement.</span>
<span class="s1">[https://covid19.ca.gov/masks-and-ppe/ <span class="s6">'''''Wearing a Face Covering'''''</span>]''''':''  We provide''' face coverings to all employees and require they be worn when indoors or with students. We will not prevent any employee from wearing a face covering when required unless it would create a safety hazard, such as interfering with the safe operation of equipment. The face coverings provided will be cloth or woven material, fit snuggly, and completely cover the nose and mouth. Face coverings must be clean and undamaged. '''Face coverings are not respiratory protection and do not replace physical distancing requirements.'''</span>
* <span class="s1">Employees are not required to wear a face covering in the following situations:</span>
** <span class="s1">When an employee is alone in a room.</span>
** <span class="s1">While eating or drinking at the workplace, provided employees and participants are at least six feet apart and while outside.</span>
** <span class="s1">When employees wear respiratory protection in accordance with Section 437-002-0134 or other Order 2-2017 safety orders.</span>
** <span class="s1">When employees cannot wear face coverings due to a medical or mental health condition or disability. This includes a hearing-impaired person or someone using sign language to communicate. Employees exempted from wearing a face covering due to medical conditions, mental health conditions, or disability must wear an effective non-restrictive alternative, such as a face shield with a drape on the bottom that we will provide, if their condition or disability allows.</span>
** <span class="s1">When a specific task cannot be performed with a face covering. This exception is limited to the time period in which such tasks are being performed, and the unmasked employee shall be at least six feet away from all other persons.</span>
** When employee is outdoor and not with students.
** When employee is full vaccinated from COVID-19 and not with students.
<span class="s1">Employees not wearing a face covering, face shield with drape, or respirator, for any reason, will stay at least six feet away from all other people in the workplace.</span>
<span class="s1">Signs are posted at the entrance to the workplace to communicate the requirement for face coverings by any non-employees entering the workplace. We provide face coverings to members of the public if necessary and instruct employees to remain at least six feet away from members of the public who will not wear a face covering.</span>
<span class="s1">[https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/index.html <span class="s6">'''''Practicing Good Hygiene'''''</span>]'''''.''''' Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Hand sanitizer stations are placed throughout the workplace.</span> <span class="s1">Eric Pahlka is responsible for ensuring hand hygiene stations are readily accessible and stocked with soap and paper towels, or sanitizer.</span>
<span class="s1">[https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/disinfecting-building-facility.html <span class="s6">'''''Cleaning and Disinfecting Frequently'''''</span>]. Surfaces, especially frequently touched surfaces, will be disinfected with products that meet the[https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/list-n-disinfectants-coronavirus-covid-19 <span class="s4"> </span><span class="s6">EPA’s criteria for use against coronavirus</span>]. Disinfectants are used according to manufacturer’s directions. Employees are trained on the hazards of the disinfectants, to use only in well-ventilated areas, any PPE that is required, and to never mix chemicals unless trained to do so. Surfaces are disinfected according to the following schedule:</span>
<span class="s1">'''Table 3 – Disinfection Practices'''</span>
{| class="t1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
| class="td7" valign="top" |<span class="s1">'''Surface/Area'''</span>
| class="td8" valign="top" |<span class="s1">'''Disinfection Method/Product'''</span>
| class="td9" valign="top" |<span class="s1">'''Frequency'''</span>
| class="td7" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Restrooms - sinks, soap and paper towel dispensers, door handles, stall locks, toilet seat and flush, toilet paper dispensers</span>
| class="td8" valign="top" |<span class="s9">1.</span> <span class="s1">Use provided dilute bleach solution to spray interior space of restroom facilities.</span>
| class="td9" valign="top" | <span class="s1">After each group of participants uses the restrooms.</span>
| class="td7" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Restrooms - sinks, soap and paper towel dispensers, door handles, stall locks, toilet seat and flush, toilet paper dispensers</span>
| class="td8" valign="top" |<span class="s1">1. Use soap and water so surface is clean to sight and touch.</span>
<span class="s1">2. Apply dilute bleach solution (1/3 cup bleach per gallon of room temp water) to wet surface.</span>
<span class="s1">3. Allow to sit for at least 1 minute.</span>
<span class="s1">4. Wipe dry with a clean paper towel.</span>
| class="td9" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Once daily</span>
| class="td7" valign="top" |<span class="s1">High-traffic touch surfaces, ie. door handles, stair railings, etc.</span>
| class="td8" valign="top" | <span class="s1">1. Use provided dilute bleach solution to spray on surfaces</span>
<span class="s1">2. Let sit 5 minutes</span>
<span class="s1">3. Wipe down surfaces</span>
| class="td9" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Once daily</span>
| class="td7" valign="top" |<span class="s1">Program gear and materials (including but not limited to: bows, arrows, knives,</span>
| class="td8" valign="top" | <span class="s1">1. Use provided disinfectant solution to spray gear and materials</span>
<span class="s1">2. Allow to sit for 5 minutes before storing gear and materials.</span>
| class="td9" valign="top" |<span class="s1">After participants are done using gear for any particular activity</span>
<span class="s1">'''Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Equipment Worn by Employees to Minimize Exposure'''</span>
<span class="s1">In general, employees WILL NOT use respirators at Trackers Earth for protection from COVID-19. If a hazard assessment determines respirators are needed, they will be used in accordance with</span> <span class="s5">[https://osha.oregon.gov/OSHARules/div2/div2I.pdf <span class="s10">Order 2-2017, Section 437-002-0134</span>]</span><span class="s1">. Any PPE used to protect from COVID-19, such face masks, is selected based on function, fit, and availability. Employees are trained when and why PPE is necessary, how to properly put on and take off PPE, and how to clean, maintain, and store reusable PPE. Job hazard assessments are performed by supervisors to identify any PPE required for a specific job. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that adequate supplies of PPE are available.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Illness at the Workplace'''</span>
<span class="s1">We investigate all COVID-19 cases in the workplace. Our investigation includes verifying COVID-19 case status, obtaining information on COVID-19 test results and symptom onset, identifying and recording COVID-19 cases, and reporting when required by the regulations.</span>
<span class="s1">We maintain a daily log or other method to keep track of all employees and visitors at our workplace. This includes name, contact number, date, time in, time out, person(s) contacted, and area of the workplace accessed. We will use this information to identify individuals to contact following notification of a COVID-19 case at our workplace.</span>
<span class="s1">We will not reveal any personally identifiable information or employee medical information to any person or entity unless required by law (such as Cal/OSHA, local health department, and local law enforcement).</span>
<span class="s1">'''Notification'''</span>
<span class="s1">Employees must alert Eric Pahlka if they are having symptoms of COVID-19, had a possible COVID-19 exposure, were diagnosed with COVID-19, or are awaiting test results</span><span class="s11">. </span><span class="s1">We do not discriminate or retaliate against employees for reporting positive test results or symptoms.</span>
<span class="s1">Following notification of a positive test/diagnosis, we will immediately take the following actions:</span>
# <span class="s1">Determine the day and time the COVID-19 case was last present at the workplace, the date of the positive test/diagnosis, and the date the COVID-19 case first experienced symptoms.</span>
# <span class="s1">Determine who may have had exposure to the COVID-19 case by reviewing the case’s activities during the high-risk period. The high-risk period '''for persons who develop symptoms''' is from two days before they first develop symptoms until 10 days after symptoms first appeared and 24 hours have passed with no fever, without the use of fever-reducing medications, and symptoms have improved. The high-risk period '''for persons who test positive but never develop symptoms''' is from two days before until 10 days after their first positive test for COVID-19 was collected.</span>
# <span class="s1">Within one day of becoming aware of a positive diagnosis, Eric Pahlka will notify in writing all employees and their authorized representatives, independent contractors and other employers onsite who were potentially exposed. Individuals with close contact will be instructed to quarantine at home. '''CDC defines[https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/contact-tracing/contact-tracing-plan/appendix.html#contact <span class="s2"> </span>]'''[https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/contact-tracing/contact-tracing-plan/appendix.html#contact <span class="s3">close contact</span>] '''as being within six feet of an infected person for 15 cumulative minutes or more over a 24-hour period, starting 2 days prior to symptom onset until the sick person is isolated.''' When providing notice under this section, we will not disclose the identity of the infected person(s).</span>
# <span class="s1">We will provide employees with potential COVID-19 exposure information about access to COVID-19 testing, which will be offered at no cost during working hours, and isolation requirements resulting from a positive test.</span>
# <span class="s1">Investigate whether any workplace factors contributed to the infection and how to further reduce that potential exposure.</span>
<span class="s1">We will provide information about[https://www.oregon.gov/boli/employers/Pages/COVID-19-resources.aspx <span class="s12"> </span><span class="s3">COVID-19 related leave benefits</span>]. '''Confidentiality will be maintained at all times.'''</span>
<span class="s1">We keep a record of and track all COVID-19 cases to include: employee’s name, contact information, occupation, location where the employee worked, the date of the last day at the workplace, and the date of a positive COVID-19 test. This information is kept confidential.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Disinfection after Positive Test/Diagnosis'''</span>
<span class="s1">If it has been less than seven days since the sick employee has been in the facility, we will close off any areas used for extended periods of time by the sick individual and allow to air out up to 24 hours. The area will then be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Exclusion from the Workplace'''</span>
<span class="s1">The following employees will be excluded from the workplace:</span>
* <span class="s1">Unvaccinated employees that have been exposed to COVID-19 until 10 days after the last known exposure.</span>
* <span class="s1">Employees who test positive for COVID-19 until the Return to Work criteria in the next section are met.</span>
* <span class="s1">Fully vaccinated people who had an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are not required to quarantine if they meet EVERYONE of the following criteria:</span>
** <span class="s1">They have received both doses of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine (or one dose of a single-dose vaccine),</span>
** <span class="s1">It has been at least 14 days since their final dose of COVID-19 vaccine</span>
** <span class="s1">They have no COVID-19 symptoms</span>
** <span class="s1">Fully vaccinated people who do not quarantine should still watch for symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days following an exposure. If they experience COVID-19 symptoms, they should follow the guidance for people with symptoms (see above).</span>
* <span class="s1">Close contacts who themselves had a previous confirmed or presumptive COVID-19 case (verified by a positive viral COVID-19 test and/or LPHA) and have completed their isolation are not required to quarantine if the new exposure happened within 90 days of symptom onset or first positive test, whichever is earlier, for their original case</span>
<span class="s1">Employees excluded from work due to a positive diagnosis from a workplace exposure, or identified as exposed in the workplace, but are otherwise able and available to work will maintain their earnings, seniority, and all other rights and benefits. Information on available benefits will be provided at the time of exclusion.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Return to Work'''</span>
<span class="s1">Criteria for returning to work after testing positive for COVID-19 are as follows:</span>
* <span class="s1">Employees who tested positive and had symptoms can return to work when:</span>
** <span class="s1">At least 10 days have passed since symptoms began, '''AND'''</span>
** <span class="s1">At least 24 hours have passed with no fever (100.4°F or above) without the use of fever-reducing medications, '''AND'''</span>
** <span class="s1">Other COVID-19 symptoms have improved.</span>
* <span class="s1">Employees who test positive but never have symptoms can return to work:</span>
** <span class="s1">After at least 10 days have passed since the date of positive specimen collection.</span>
* <span class="s1">Employees who have completed an order to isolate or quarantine by a local or state health official. If the period of time was not specified, then it is 10 days from the issuance of an order to isolate or an order to quarantine.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Employees that have approval from Oregon OSHA on the basis that removal of the employee would create undue risk to a community’s health and safety. In these instances, effective control measures such as isolation or respiratory protection will be implemented to prevent infection of other employees at the workplace.</span>
<span class="s1">A negative test result is not required for an employee to return to work.</span>
<span class="s1">'''REPORTING, RECORDKEEPING, AND ACCESS'''</span>
<span class="s1">'''Reporting'''</span>
<span class="s13">[https://multco.us/file/91743/download Reporting to the Local Health Department (LHD)]</span><span class="s14">'''.'''</span>
<span class="s1">Within 48-hours of knowledge, Eric Pahlka will notify the[https://multco.us/health <span class="s4"> </span><span class="s6">local health department</span>] (LHD), Multnomah County Health Department, ('''503) 988-3674''',</span> <span class="s1">of any workplace outbreak of COVID-19. An outbreak reportable to our LHD is defined as at least two COVID-19 cases among workers at the same worksite within a 14-day period. We will work with the LHD to carry out contact tracing and follow all LHD recommendations including temporary closure of our business if advised.</span>
<span class="s10">[https://wcd.oregon.gov/Pages/COVID-19-updates.aspx Reporting to our Claims Administrator]</span><span class="s1">''' ''' (This section applies to employers with five or more employees)</span>
<span class="s1">Eric Pahlka will report to Christina Codino</span> <span class="s1">when an employee has tested positive for COVID-19. This report will be made within three days of knowledge of an employees’ positive test result.</span>
<span class="s10">[https://dir.ca.gov/dosh/coronavirus/Reporting-Requirements-COVID-19.html CAL/OSHA Recording/Reporting]</span> <span class="s1">'''-''' We will record on our 300 log all work-related COVID-19 cases that meet one of the following criteria: death, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid, loss of consciousness, significant injury or illness diagnoses by a physician or other licensed health care professional.</span>
<span class="s1">We will report any serious COVID-19 illness that required inpatient hospitalization or resulted in death to our local Cal/OSHA office as soon as possible, but in no case more than eight hours after knowledge.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Recordkeeping'''</span>
<span class="s1">Trackers Earth maintains records of the steps taken to implement this written program. These records include but are not limited to training, inspections, hazard identification, etc.</span>
<span class="s1">We keep a record of and track all COVID-19 cases. These records include the employee’s:</span>
<span class="s1">·        Name</span>
<span class="s1">·        Contact information</span>
<span class="s1">·        Occupation</span>
<span class="s1">·        Location where the employee worked</span>
<span class="s1">·        Date of the last day at the workplace</span>
<span class="s1">·        Date of positive COVID-19 test</span>
<span class="s1">All medical information will be kept confidential. The log of COVID cases, with names and contact information removed, will be made available to employees, authorized employee representatives, or as otherwise required by law.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Access'''</span>
<span class="s1">This program will be made available at the workplace to employees, authorized employee representatives, and to representatives of Cal/OSHA.</span>
<span class="s1">'''COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS'''</span>
<span class="s1">We ask all employees to confidentially report, without fear of discrimination or retaliation, any symptoms, potential exposures, and possible hazards relating to COVID-19 at the workplace. Employees should make these reports to Eric Pahlka.</span>
<span class="s1">We explain to all employees how we accommodate employees at higher risk of severe COVID-19 illness. An employee can make a confidential report of his/her own high risk condition to Eric Pahlka.</span>
<span class="s1">If an employee is suspected of having a workplace exposure to COVID-19, we will provide information about access to COVID-19 testing at no cost. We will inform affected employees of the reason for testing and the potential consequences of a positive test. Local COVID-19 testing is available in our area through the following:</span>
<span class="s14">·       [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NejHBcqJ8krzPufKfHWfzkG1IIHVrkD2RvfbrMZWk3E/edit?ts=5fc7c7a7# <span class="s10"> Testing sites in Portland-metro area</span>]</span>
<span class="s1">Note: Additional communication requirements may apply depending upon severity of outbreak. See Appendix A for multiple COVID-19 infections and outbreak procedures. See Appendix B for major outbreak procedures.</span>
<span class="s1">We communicate information about COVID-19 hazards and our COVID-19 policies and procedures to employees and other employers, persons, and entities that come in contact with our workplace.  Other employers must ensure their employees follow our plan or equivalent to ensure protection of both their and our employees. When our employees are at another worksite, we will verify that procedures at the other worksite are protective of our employees, such as mask wearing and social distancing.</span>
<span class="s1">'''EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND INSTRUCTION'''</span>
<span class="s1">We provide all employees training and instruction on the symptoms of COVID-19 illness and exposure control methods in place at Trackers Earth</span><span class="s15"> including:</span>
<span class="s1">·        Information on how COVID-19 spreads and infects people.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Symptoms of COVID-19</span>
<span class="s1">·        The importance of getting a COVID-19 test and staying out of the workplace if you have symptoms.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Our symptom screening procedures for employees and all other visitors to the workplace</span>
<span class="s1">·        Risk of exposure to COVID-19 on the job.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Cleaning and disinfection schedules and procedures for our workplace.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Control measures to protect employees from exposure and infection:</span>
<span class="s8">o   </span><span class="s1">Requiring employees to stay home when sick.</span>
<span class="s8">o   </span><span class="s1">Physical distancing. Employees must maintain at least 6’ of separation from other individuals in the workplace. Since infectious aerosols can travel further than 6’, face coverings are required along with physical distancing at all indoor workplaces.</span>
<span class="s8">o   </span><span class="s1">Frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or using hand sanitizer when handwashing sinks are not readily accessible.</span>
<span class="s8">o   </span><span class="s1">Proper use of face coverings and the fact that a face covering is NOT respiratory protection.</span>
<span class="s8">o   </span><span class="s1">Covering coughs and sneezes.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Acceptable PPE and proper use.</span>
<span class="s1">·        What to do if they are sick and how to obtain a COVID-19 test.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Information on COVID-19-related leave benefits available under workers’ compensation law, the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act, Labor Code sections 248.1 and 248.5, Labor Code sections 3212.86 through 3212.88, local governmental requirements, the Trackers Earth leave policies, and leave guaranteed by contract.</span>
<span class="s1">·        The contents of this plan.</span>
<span class="s1">The following procedures will be followed whenever there are two or more COVID-19 cases in our workplace within a 14-day period or the workplace has been identified by the Local Health Department (LHD) as the location of a COVID-19 outbreak. These procedures can be stopped only after no new COVID-19 cases are detected at our workplace for a 14-day period.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Testing'''</span>
<span class="s1">Trackers Earth</span> <span class="s1">will provide testing to all employees at no cost during working hours except for those not present during the outbreak period defined above. This testing will be done immediately after determination of an outbreak, and then again one week later; negative test results will not change the quarantine or health order status of any individual. Following these two tests, we will provide continuous testing to employees in the workplace during the defined outbreak period at least once a week, or more frequently if recommended by the LHD. We will provide additional testing as required by the Division in accordance with any special order from Cal/OSHA.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Exclusion from the Workplace'''</span>
<span class="s1">The following employees will be excluded from the workplace during an outbreak:</span>
<span class="s1">·        Positive cases until return to work requirements are met.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Employees that have been exposed to COVID-19 until 10 days after the last known exposure.</span>
<span class="s1">Employees excluded from work due to positive diagnosis or exposure but otherwise able and available to work will maintain their earnings, seniority, and all other rights and benefits. Information on available benefits will be provided at the time of exclusion.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Workplace Investigation, Review, and Hazard Correction'''</span>
<span class="s1">We will investigate all workplace illness to determine potential factors in the workplace that could have contributed to the COVID-19 outbreak. Additionally, we will review our relevant COVID-19 policies, procedures, and controls and we will implement changes needed to prevent further virus spread.</span>
<span class="s1">All investigations and reviews will be documented to include:</span>
<span class="s1">·        Investigation of new or continuing COVID-19 hazards.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Review of our leave policies and practices, including whether employees are discouraged from staying home when sick.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Review of our COVID-19 testing policies.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Investigation of the sufficiency of outdoor air.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Investigation of the sufficiency of air filtration.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Investigation into feasibility of physical distancing.</span>
<span class="s1">These reviews will be updated every 30 days that an outbreak continues with new information, new or previously unrecognized COVID-19 hazards, or as necessary. We will make changes based on investigations and reviews to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and consider such actions as moving work tasks outdoors, allowing employees to work remotely, increasing outdoor air supply to our indoor workplaces, improving air filtration to the highest MERV rating compatible with our air handling system, increasing physical distancing as much as possible, providing respiratory protection, or other possible control measures.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Notifications to the Local Health Department (LHD)'''</span>
<span class="s1">As soon as possible but at least within 48-hours of knowledge,</span> <span class="s1">Eric Pahlka will notify our LHD, [https://multco.us/health <span class="s6">Multnomah County Health Department</span>], whenever there are two or more COVID-19 cases. We will work with the LHD to carry out contact tracing and follow all LHD recommendations including temporary closure of our business if advised. We will provide the LHD the total number of cases and for each case the following:</span>
<span class="s1">·        Name</span>
<span class="s1">·        Contact information</span>
<span class="s1">·        Occupation</span>
<span class="s1">·        Workplace location</span>
<span class="s1">·        Business address</span>
<span class="s1">·        Hospitalization and/or fatality status</span>
<span class="s1">·        North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code of the workplace</span>
<span class="s1">·        Any other information requested</span>
<span class="s1">We will continue to update the LHD with additional case information during the outbreak period until there have been no detected COVID-19 cases for 14 days.</span> 
<span class="s1">'''APPENDIX B – MAJOR COVID-19 OUTBREAKS'''</span>
<span class="s1">The following procedures will be followed whenever there are 20 or more COVID-19 cases in our workplace within a 30-day period. These procedures can be discontinued only after no new COVID-19 cases are detected at our workplace for a 14-day period.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Testing'''</span>
<span class="s1">Trackers Earth will provide testing to all employees present at the workplace during the relevant 30-day period and who remain at the workplace at no cost during working hours. Testing will be provided twice a week or more frequently if recommended by the Local Health Department (LHD).</span>
<span class="s1">'''Exclusion from the Workplace'''</span>
<span class="s1">The following employees will be excluded from the workplace:</span>
<span class="s1">·        Positive cases until return to work requirements are met.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Employees that have been exposed to COVID-19 until 10 days after the last known exposure.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Employees excluded from work due to positive diagnosis or exposure but otherwise able and available to work will maintain their earnings, seniority, and all other rights and benefits. Information on available benefits will be provided at the time of exclusion.</span>
<span class="s1">'''Investigation of Workplace COVID-19 Illnesses'''</span>
<span class="s1">We will implement effective procedures for verifying COVID-19 case status, receiving information regarding COVID-19 test results and onset of COVID-19 symptoms, and identifying and recording COVID-19 cases. Upon notification of a COVID-19 case, we will do the following:</span>
<span class="s1">1.      Determine the day and time the COVID-19 case was last present at the workplace, the date of the positive test/diagnosis, and the date the COVID-19 case first experienced symptoms.</span>
<span class="s1">2.      Determine who may have had exposure to the COVID-19 case by reviewing the case’s activities during the high risk period.</span>
<span class="s1">·        The high-risk period '''for persons who develop symptoms''' is from two days before they first develop symptoms until 10 days after symptoms first appeared and 24 hours have passed with no fever, without the use of fever-reducing medications, and symptoms have improved.</span>
<span class="s1">·        The high-risk period '''for persons who test positive but never develop symptoms''' is from two days before until 10 days after their first positive test for COVID-19 was collected.</span>
<span class="s1">3.      Within one day of becoming aware of a positive diagnosis, Eric Pahlka</span> <span class="s1">will notify in writing all employees, and subcontracted employees, who were potentially exposed and instruct individuals with close contact to quarantine at home.</span>
<span class="s1">·        '''CDC defines[https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/contact-tracing/contact-tracing-plan/appendix.html#contact <span class="s4"> </span>]'''[https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/contact-tracing/contact-tracing-plan/appendix.html#contact <span class="s3">close contact</span>] '''as being within six feet of an infected person for 15 cumulative minutes or more over a 24-hour period starting 2 days prior to symptom onset until the sick person is isolated.'''</span>
<span class="s1">4.      Employees with potential COVID-19 exposure will be provided with information about access to COVID-19 testing, which will be offered at no cost during working hours, and the possible consequences of a positive test.</span>
<span class="s1">5.      Investigate whether any workplace factors contributed to the risk infection and how to further reduce that potential exposure.</span>
<span class="s1">We will ensure that all personal identifying information and employee medical records are kept confidential and that testing and medical services will be provided in a manner that ensures confidentiality of our employees. Non-redacted information on COVID-19 cases shall be provided to the local health department, MCHD, the Division, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), or as otherwise required by law immediately upon request.</span>
<span class="s1">'''COVID-19 Hazard Correction'''</span>
<span class="s1">In addition to the engineering controls, administrative controls, and PPE provisions of our COVID-19 Prevention Program, we will do the following:</span>
<span class="s1">·       </span> <span class="s5">Filter recirculated air with Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 13</span> <span class="s1">or higher efficiency filters if compatible with our ventilation system. If MERV 13 or higher efficiency filters are not compatible with our system, we will use the highest MERV rated filter possible.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Evaluate the benefits that portable or mounted High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtration units, or other air cleaning systems, may offer in reducing the risk of transmission and implementing wherever possible.</span>
<span class="s1">·        Evaluate the need for respiratory protection or changes to current respiratory protection in use. Any respiratory use will be in accordance with [https://osha.oregon.gov/OSHARules/div2/div2I.pdf <span class="s6">AO 2-2017</span>].</span>
<span class="s1">'''Notifications to the Local Health Department (LHD)'''</span>
<span class="s1">As soon as possible but at least within 48-hours of knowledge, Eric Pahlka will notify our LHD, [https://multco.us/health <span class="s6">Multnomah County Health Department</span>], whenever there are two or more COVID-19 cases. We will work with the LHD to carry out contact tracing and follow all LHD recommendations including temporary closure of our business if advised. We will provide the LHD the total number of cases and for each case the following:</span>
<span class="s1">·        Name</span>
<span class="s1">·        Contact information</span>
<span class="s1">·        Occupation</span>
<span class="s1">·        Workplace location</span>
<span class="s1">·        Business address</span>
<span class="s1">·        Hospitalization and/or fatality status</span>
<span class="s1">·        North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code of the workplace</span>
<span class="s1">·        Any other information requested</span>
<span class="s1">We will continue to update the LHD with additional case information during the outbreak period until there have been no detected COVID-19 cases for 14 days.</span>

Latest revision as of 11:47, 2 August 2021


  • Clean” or “Cleaning” means the use of soap or detergents and water on surfaces to reduce or remove germs from surfaces.
  • “Child care” means a licensed or Emergency Child Care program caring for children weeks of age or older but under 13 years of age, including those operated by political subdivisions or governmental agencies.
  • “Close contact” means those persons who were within six (6) feet of a confirmed case of COVID-19 for a cumulative 15 minutes over a 24-hour period.
  • “Cohort” means a stable group of people who stay together consistently, with minimal interaction with other groups.
  • “COVID-19 symptoms” means any or all of the following:
    • Primary symptoms: cough, fever (temperature of 100.4°F or higher) or chills, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and new loss of taste or smell
    • Other common symptoms: muscle pain, headache, sore throat, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, new nasal congestion, and runny nose.
  • “Day camp” means a defined setting or facility that youth (K–12) attend for an established period of time, leaving at the end of the program day, which may or may not be licensed under ORS Chapter 446.
  • “Disinfect” or “Disinfecting” means the use of disinfectants following cleaning to kill germs that may remain on surfaces after cleaning.
  • “Enrichment programs” mean programs that provide care for school-age children (K–12), primarily for a single enrichment activity for eight hours or less a week.
  • “Household cohort” is a stable group of campers and staff who stay overnight together in a cabin, bunkhouse, tent, or similar defined space.
  • “Outdoor” means any open-air space including any space which may have a temporary or fixed cover (e.g., awning or roof) and at least fifty percent of the square footage of its sides open for airflow such that open sides are not adjacent to each other.
  • “Overnight camp” means a youth program with youth staying overnight at accommodations on site, which may or may not be licensed under ORS Chapter 446.
  • “Sanitize” or “Sanitizing” means the cleaning required by applicable local and state food sanitation requirements.
  • “Susceptible” has the meaning given that term in OAR 333-019-0010.
  • “Youth programs” means:
    • Day camps;
    • Summer camps;
    • Overnight camps;
    • Enrichment programs serving children 0 to 18 years of age.
    • Programs operated by political subdivisions or governmental entities that offer programming only for middle school-age children ages 11 years and older;
    • Any enrolled gathering of children from primarily ages 13 to 18 years for a defined period of daytime hours with teen or adult supervision. These gatherings can include children as young as age 11, provided they are part of a mixed-age cohort
Contact tracing

Youth programs operators are required to for contact tracing purposes, log the following, in accordance with rules adopted by the Oregon Health Authority under OAR 333, Division 19:

    • Adult name(s) completing drop-off and pick-up;
    • Youth names, arrival and departure date and times;
    • Name of any staff or person coming in contact with youth, arrival and departure date and times;
    • If transportation is provided by the program: names of all riders and their contact information.
Exclusion and notification

Youth programs operators should attempt to verify COVID-19 vaccination status in order to apply any exclusion protocols that are specific to vaccinated individuals. If an operator is not aware of an individual’s vaccination status, they should assume the individual is unvaccinated and follow general exclusion protocols.

Youth programs operators are required to:

  • Exclude from the program any child or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, for the time period specified in the rules adopted by the Oregon Health Authority under OAR 333, Division 19, in accordance with rules adopted by the Authority. Exclude from the program any child or staff member who is susceptible and who is exposed to COVID-19, for the time period specified in the rules adopted by the Oregon Health Authority, in accordance with the rules adopted by the Authority.
  • Inform all families, staff, and individuals who enter the child care program that they should not enter if they are unvaccinated and have been exposed to a COVID-19 case.
  • Notify the local public health authority immediately if anyone who has been on the premises of the program is diagnosed with COVID 19.
  • Communicate, in coordination with local public health authority, with all families and other individuals who have been on the premises of the program in the past 14 days about a confirmed case of COVID-19.
Overnight camps

Additional recommendations for programs that operate overnight camps

  • Operators of overnight camps are encouraged to: If tents are used:
    • Minimize the number of campers in each tent.
    • Maximize ventilation by opening vents or screens, as feasible.
    • Encourage eligible staff, campers, volunteers and family members to get fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
    • It is reasonable to allow household cohorts, including unvaccinated campers and staff, to interact without masks or physical distancing when in cabins or away from other camp cohorts, particularly if other prevention strategies are implemented.
    • Support campers and staff who prefer to wear masks
  • Have an identified isolation room or area to separate anyone who exhibits COVIDlike symptoms. If the camp has a healthcare provider, they should be provided and wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including N95 respirators, and use Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions when caring for sick people.
  • Ask camp staff and campers who are not fully vaccinated to get tested with a viral test 3–5 days after traveling home from camp AND stay home and self-quarantine for a full 7days after travel.